Air Quality Monitoring

Real-Time Airborne Particle Identifier (RAPID-E)

Rapid-E is the world’s first instrument to accurately and comprehensively analyze single aerosol particles in real time. Fully automated, it characterizes any airborne particle in the range of 0.5-100 micrometers, matching and opening up numerous applications in environmental monitoring, and beyond. Rapid-E has a robust design that ensures its continuous use both outside and indoors.

The instrument continuously monitors ambient air, instantly counting and characterizing different pollen species, spores, and even air pollutants, such as PM2.5, PM10 and certain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The proprietary technology enables rapid species recognition, providing a good understanding of atmospheric aerosol concentrations and their influence on public health and the environment.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Measurement Instruments

The aerosol spectrometers used for indoor air quality monitoring are optical laser light based and they monitor the dust concentration in real-time and the particle size distribution in over 30 different size ranges. Also, the instruments are able to convert those results simultaneously to inhalable, thoracic, and alveolic fractions following the European and American regulations.

Environmental Measurement Instruments

From portable solutions (for mobile and quick measurements) over 19″ rackable solutions (for professional container) up to stand-alone models (for container independent monitoring) and from stations in Amazonas rain wood forest up to Himalaya, from Central Europe deep into the Mongolian dessert and up to airborne measurements, the GRIMM’s environmental dust monitors cover all applications you need. As the pioneer with the first approved system of optical environmental dust monitoring, the GRIMM’s instruments passed until now over 15 equivalence tests worldwide (US EPA, UK MCERT, Germany LUBW, Austria UBA, etc).

Nano Measurement Instruments

The ultrafine aerosol monitoring instruments for real-time Nano air quality studies, called SMPS, are compact, portable and with a sophisticated optical laser light detection system to monitor the particle size from a few nanometers upwards and their size distribution in many different size ranges up to one micron. Combining the SMPS with optical spectrometers, a full airborne aerosol size range can be monitored with one compact system.

A range of many different modular Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) models and the Faraday Cup Electrometer (FCE) for the measurement of the number concentration of Nanoparticles, Differential Mobility Analysers (DMAs) for the size distribution in different size ranges, several Neutraliser types and many accessories offer the possibility to set up an individual system configuration.

Gas analyzers (by TELEDYNE API)

From 2016, together with EAS Group (the regional Distributor of Teledyne API (TAPI)), INOESY provides instruments and systems for monitoring criteria pollutants:

  • Analyzers for Sulfur, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon compounds, etc.
  • Calibration equipments (Gas calibrator, Zero air generator, etc)

Also, based on development of Teledyne’s technology base, INOESY provides not only full line of ambient air monitoring equipment but stack gas monitoring instrumentation as well.

Mobile and stationary labs for emissions and air quality monitoring

Up to now, our partner (EAS Group) provided more than 300 Air Quality Monitoring Stations (AQMS) which demonstrates the reliability, trust and expertise of the company. EAS include their well-proven software and calibration systems, which have become the standard throughout the region and which are easily integrated into existing networks and systems.
Systems are designed and integrated in our own facilities according to the individual requirements of the customer and include among others:

  • Mobile or stationary containers
  • AQM or CEM instrumentation
  • Automatic instrument calibration
  • Sample manifolds
  • Meteorological sensors
  • Remote instrumentation control
  • Remote diagnostics
  • Full systems integration and design
  • Local language Data Acquisition (DAS)
  • Local language Central Station (CAS)
  • Modeling Software.